Selasa, 21 Februari 2017

Surat Untuk Presiden AS

A letter to President of United states Donal Trumb

Hello Ms Trumb , Have a nice Day  , We the people of West Papua Greetings to you on your chosen like as President.

You Garden of PT Freeport Mc Moran in Papua at Timika Regency is a place to build murdered , tortured and  Raped by militerisme Indonesia to our people without wrong anything.

So now we wanna you take back you Permit efforts from Here and close it , cause along time we people were suffering in our motherland.

Close Freeport and give our Rights , Papuans people never free in everything we do , soon make REFERENDUM again on the land of West Papua cause just It is A solution of Democratic west Papua

We always against Indonesia Government because no same with our want..



Salam Revolusi
Salam Juang
Salam Koteka

Salam Generasi Terlantar ( Getar )

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